Photo de Alexandre Bourguet. Wedding at Bois Chambard

Wedding close to the Leman Lake

Wedding near Lake Geneva

At Bois Chamblard, this wedding was a visual symphony.

The natural setting was the perfect backdrop to celebrate love. The ceremony, led by Marylin Rebelo, was filled with authentic emotions and intimacy. The radiant couple were the perfect subject for my photos. The reception that followed was a burst of colors and movement. I was able to capture moments of happiness, laughter, and dancing. The lighting was perfect and the shadows played with shapes to create cinematic images. As a photographer, I was thrilled to be able to capture these unique moments and this love story. I am delighted to offer my clients images that tell a story, have meaning, and will transport them through time. This wedding was another example of my approach as a wedding photographer, I love capturing authentic moments and turning them into works of art.